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Related post: Our previous studies indicated that the thymus is able to induce tolerance to self antigens not only by deletional mechanisms but also by clonal inactivation (anergy). Transfer of the nonresponsive cells into hosts that lack the self antigen or into in vitro culture results in a reversal of the nonresponsive state, indicating that antigen is required to maintain Buy Vigora this nondeletional form of in vivo tolerance. The mechanism responsible for commitment to the ap or yS lineage has also been approached using TCR transgenic mice. If TCR-P transcriptional regulatory elements are Vigora 100 used to direct expression of the TCRoB transgenes, yb Vigora 50 T cells do not appear. Instead, there appears a CD48" cell bearing the TCR-ap transgenic receptor, but with the developmental, phenotypic, and functional properties of y5 T cells. These results suggest that T cell functions ma>; be associated with a specific lineage, irrespective Order Vigora of TCR usage. These findings have led to an investigation of the role of TCR transcriptional regulatory elements in lineage development. PHS 6040 (Rev 1/64) 6-8 J.& OOVEWMENT PRfJTING OFFICE: DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES - PUBLIC HEALTH SERVICE NOTICE OF INTRAMURAL RESEARCH PROJECT PROJECT NUMBER ZOl AI 00581-03 LCMI PERIOD COVERED October 1, 1991 to September 30, 1992 TITLE OF PROJECT (BO characters or /ass. Title must til on one line between the borders.) T Cell Tolerance and Memory PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATOR (List other professional personnel below the Pnncipal Investigator.) (Name, title, laboratory, and institute affiliation) PI: Polly C.E. Matzinger Expert LCMI, NIAID Others : Adriana Bonomo Garrett Hisatake Albert Bendelac Visiting Fellow Generic Vigora LCMI, NIAID Howard Hughes Scholar LCMI, NIAID Visiting Associate LCMI, NIAID COOPERATING UNITS (if any) None LAB/BRANCH Laboratory of Cellular and Molecular Immunology T Cell Tolerance Unit INSTITUTE AND LOCATION NIAID, NIH, Bethesda, Maryland 20892 TOTAL STAFF YEARS: PROFESSIONAL: CHECK APPROPRIATE BOX(ES) n (a) Human subjects D (b) Human tissues n {a1) Minors D (a2) Interviews B (c) Neither SUMMARY OF V(/ORK (Use standard unreduced type. Do not exceed the space provided.) We are studying various aspects of the birth, life and death of T cells. BIRTH-1) For years scientists have looked for a self-renewing stem cell in the thymus and failed to find one. We found that intact fetal thymuses, placed under the kidney capsules of SCID mice, continued to produce T cells for at least 6 months. We are now studying whether the loss of this stem cell activity seen in the older experiments is due to age of the cells, the age and/or irradiated state of Vigora Online the recipient thymus, or the in vitro purification treatments. 2) In the presence of IL-7, the differentiation of ap, Vigora Oil but not 70 T cells is reversibly blocked in thymic organ cultures. We hypothesize that the levels of this lymphokine may regulate the rate at which a^ T cells are produced. LIFE : 1) Using mice primed before or after thymectomy, we found that virgin Vigora Price mice can only oe primed for about 5 months after thymectomy, but mice primed before thymectomy respond for at least 4 months, at which time they still contain large number of cells expressing a 'virgin' surface phenotype, among which are a large number of Cheap Vigora functionally immunized CTL. 2J_ CTL to some Ags (usually viruses) do not seem to need help from CD4 T cells while CTL to other ags, (usually cellular Vigora 100 Tablets Ags) , are strictly help dependent. We have postulated that CTL activation by dendritic cells or activated APCs may bypass CD4 help & that some viruses may directly activate APCs. To test this hypothesis, we have immunized animals Vigora Tablets with purified dendritic cells under conditions where CD4 T cell help is limiting. We found that this procedure worlts Buy Vigora Online in some cases & not in others & are now characterizing the differences. DEATH-1) We 'found that thymic epithelium (TE) induces tissue specific tolerance in developing thymocytes & that this Vigora 5000 tolerance does not extend to skin specific antigens. Yet an animal is tolerance of its own skin. We are ow determining whether this particular skin antigen is found on bone marrow cells. If not, then one must begin to ask how an individual is tolerant of its own skin. 2J_ By grafting 2 sets of congenic fetal thytnuses into normal & SCID recipients, we Tound that the mature thymic T cell population may contain up to 10% recirculating T cells, that the recirculating population contains both activated & resting cells, with a rather high proportion of yd cells. We are now testing whether the recirculating population ever exists the thymus again and whether, during its thymic soiourn, it IS activated or tolerized by antigens not expressed in the thymus m which it matured. PHy BU4U (Hev. b/«i!) 6-9 LABORATORY OF HOST DEFENSES 1992 Annual Report Table of Contents ZOl AI Project Number Summary 00155-17 00481-07 00521-05 00614-02 00615-02 00644-01
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